Apply for a Grant
The Canadian Bar Law for the Future Fund (LFFF) has grants available for innovative projects in the field of law.
Projects eligible for consideration must be of national interest and/or of benefit to the general public and must be in at least one of the following fields:
- Legal research
- Legal education
- Legislation and law reform
- Administration of justice
Grants cannot be used to pay for any indirect costs, operating expenses, capital projects, budget deficits, general fund drives, annual charitable appeals, scholarships, sabbaticals, or the holding of conferences or seminars. Requests for grant funding relating exclusively to publication costs, equipment purchases and travel costs cannot be considered.
No permanent commitments are made to support any type of project. Individuals applying for grants must do so under the auspices of organizations which are qualified donees under the Income Tax Act. No grants are made to projects which would result in financial gain to an individual or organization.
Grant application form
To be considered, applications must include the following documents:
- Federal charitable registration number
- Organization's budget for the current and preceding years
- Audited financial statement for organization
- Brief history and purposes of organization
- List of Board of Directors of organization
Please note: All application packages must be available in an electronic format. We encourage applicants to submit application materials by email as indicated below.
Please return completed form and related material to:
The Canadian Bar Law for the Future Fund
By email:
By mail: 66 Slater Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5H1
Deadline for application is 1st of May each year. All applications are reviewed by a five-member Board of Trustees consisting of three CBA members, a member of the Bench and a lay person. Successful applicants are notified in writing.
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