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Spotlight on Find-A-Lawyer

  • June 13, 2018

Playing hide-and-go-seek is no way to drum up business. CBA has a new way to help people find you more easily: a Find-a-Lawyer database on the website. Find out more.

CBA on Bill C-23, Preclearance Act

  • December 04, 2017

Michael Greene appeared on behalf of the CBA before the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence to present a submission on Bill C-23, Preclearance Act, 2016 prepared by the Immigration Law Section, the Criminal Justice Section and the Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section.

CBA on privacy of Canadians at airports and borders

  • September 28, 2017

The Canadian Bar Association appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. The submission was prepared by the CBA Privacy and Access, Immigration Law, and Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Sections, as well as the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association (CCCA) and the Ethics Subcommittee of the Policy Committee of the Board.

Government of Canada Opportunities: International Trade and International Investment Dispute Settlement Bodies

  • September 13, 2017

The Government of Canada is currently seeking candidates for a dozen of these rosters under the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Canada – European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, the Canada – Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement and the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and the Nationals of Other States.

Overview of Appointments of Prothonotaries of the Federal Court

  • July 26, 2017

The Commissioner of Federal Judicial Affairs is seeking applications from barristers or advocates who are members in good standing of any provincial or territorial Bar, and who have extensive professional experience spanning at least ten years, to fill an existing vacancy at the Federal Court in Vancouver and create a pool of candidates to staff future prothonotary positions in Ottawa, Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver.

Learn today, lead tomorrow. Your CIC.C designation awaits

  • April 11, 2017

The Canadian Corporate Counsel Association is pleased to announce that 120 individuals across the country have now received their Certified In-House Counsel – Canada designation. Are you ready to join their ranks and jumpstart your career? Read on for details.

Bill C-23, Preclearance Act

  • April 04, 2017

The CBA sent a submission to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security regarding Bill C-23.