Judicial Vacancies May 24, 2023 The CBA voices serious concerns about the current state of judicial vacancies in federally appointed courts.
IRB Guidelines 3 May 19, 2023 The CBA recommends amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada’s Chairperson Guideline 3 on procedural and evidentiary issues for Child Refugee Claimants.
Innovative Solutions to Operational Challenges at IRCC May 02, 2023 The CBA proposes solutions to operational challenges at IRCC, to reduce flagpoling, use a master portal, and update the “Use of a Representative” IMM 5476 form.
Applying for a permanent resident card from outside Canada May 01, 2023 The CBA comments on changes in IRCC’s interpretation of law and policy which preclude applicants outside of Canada from applying for a Permanent Resident card
Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations Amendments April 14, 2023 The CBA comments on CBSA-proposed regulatory amendments to automatically cancel work permits, study permits and Temporary Resident Permits
Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot April 14, 2023 The CBA shares recommendations to improve the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot programs
Delay for Medical Assistance in Dying Where Sole Underlying Condition is a Mental Illness April 06, 2023 The CBA expresses concern with the delay of eligibility to medical assistance in dying for persons with mental illnesses.
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child March 30, 2023 The CBA enjoins the Government of Canada to make a detailed action plan to effectively implement the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Pension Supervisory Authorities – Strategic Plan 2023 2026 March 21, 2023 The CBA comments on the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ Draft 2023-2026 Strategic Plan
Improving Inclusivity in the Canadian Justice System March 20, 2023 The CBA suggests best practices to ensure that courts correctly pronounce the names of all people appearing before them.