UN Convention on the Rights of the Child March 30, 2023 The CBA enjoins the Government of Canada to make a detailed action plan to effectively implement the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Draft Enforcement Guidance on Wage Fixing and No Poaching Agreements March 28, 2023 The CBA recommends clarifications to the Competition Bureau’s draft Enforcement Guidance on Wage-Fixing and No-Poaching Agreements.
Centre de traduction et terminologie juridiques March 28, 2023 (Available only in French) L'ABC soutient la prolongation du projet du Centre de traduction et de terminologie juridiques intitulé " Traduction de décisions judiciaires unilingues d'importance dans l'autre langue officielle "
Study of Canada’s Bail System March 27, 2023 In response to Parliament’s study of the bail system, the CBA sees no need to alter the Criminal Code.
Income Tax Act — Summary of Issues Raised with Finance Canada in Respect on Excessive Interest and Financing Expenses Limitation (EIFEL) Proposals March 22, 2023 The Joint Canadian Bar Association/Canadian Professional Accountants of Canada Taxation Committee comments on draft Excessive Interest and Financing Expenses Limitation (EIFEL) legislation issued on November 22, 2023.
Income Tax Act — August 9, 2022 Technical Amendments - Application of Part XIII tax where payer or payee is a partnership March 22, 2023 The Joint Canadian Bar Association/Canadian Professional Accountants of Canada Taxation Committee comments on August 9, 2022 Technical Amendments to the Income Tax Act on Application of Part XIII tax where payer or payee is a partnership.
Pension Supervisory Authorities – Strategic Plan 2023 2026 March 21, 2023 The CBA comments on the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ Draft 2023-2026 Strategic Plan
Bill C-9 — Judges Act Amendments March 21, 2023 The CBA comments on Bill C-9, adopting a new process for reviewing allegations of judicial misconduct under the Judges Act
Improving Inclusivity in the Canadian Justice System March 20, 2023 The CBA suggests best practices to ensure that courts correctly pronounce the names of all people appearing before them.
Bill C-35 — Canada Early Learning and Child Care Act March 16, 2023 The CBA recommends improvements to Bill C-35, the Canada Early Learning and Child Care Act.