Search Resolutions


National Section By-Laws

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas National Sections are governed by a Model Section By-law, or, in accordance with Article 57 of CBA By-law No. 1, can adopt their own By-laws

Financial Reserve Fund

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas the Canadian Bar Association established a Reserve Fund in 1992 equal to six months' budgeted expenditures

Non-Voting Members of Council

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas CBA By-Law No. 1 prescribes the number of non-voting members that each Branch must elect to the National Council

Law School Student Membership Fee

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas a goal of the Canadian Bar Association and its branches is to increase membership, especially among the newer members of the profession and law school students

CBA Associate Membership

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas the current wording of the Associate Membership class is ambiguous and includes people who do not hold a recognized law degree

National Working Group on No-fault Compensation

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas in 1974 the Canadian Bar Association adopted a resolution that "the right of an individual to recover general damages from the wrong-doer in motor vehicle cases and to have such right adjudicated in the courts is one of the most vital hallmarks of the Canadian system of justice"

Implementation of International Environmental Conventions

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas Canada is entering into an increasing number of international agreements addressing environmental issues which need timely implementation and enforcement of laws and regulations at all levels of government and cooperative arrangements between those governments

Environmental, Energy and Resources Law

Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas the Canadian Bar Association has consistently expressed grave concerns about the deterioration of solicitor-client privilege and confidentiality throughout the consultative process prior to legislative proposals that require legal council to report their clients to a government agency based on a suspicion of money laundering

Criminal Justice

Protection of Solicitor-Client Privilege

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas members of the public cannot disclose information necessary to obtain adequate legal advice and representation without the protection of solicitor-client privilege, which is a foundation of Canada's legal system

Criminal Justice

Decline of the Rule of Law in Zimbabwe

  • August 11, 2001

Whereas the Canadian Bar Association works with the legal profession in Zimbabwe to support the rule of law and to advance public interest law

International Law