1. Canada has its own domain name dispute resolution provider, not just for our own .ca names, but for most other domains available? Vancouver’s CIIDRC was approved by ICANN over a year ago, becoming the 6th global provider for domain name disputes other than country specific domains.
Everyone in business has a designated domain name. Considering the immense value in a brand, protection of the name from use by bad actors is a priority.
CIIDRC’s online platform provides for the resolution of domain name disputes under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the CIRA Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (CDRP). Have a look.
CIIDRC’s leading-edge, online platform is available 24/7 to anyone wishing to research the process, make or respond to a complaint, or see past decisions. The site provides detailed information about our roster of highly experienced arbitrators and is aiming to be the provider of choice for Canadian and international disputants.
2. March is Fraud Prevention Month! The CBA is pleased to partner with the Competition Bureau, RCMP and Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre to increase the reach against online fraud in Canada.
Check out these events: Fraud Prevention Month - Competition Bureau Canada
Check out these CBA resources to make sure that you know how to protect yourself in an online world: