Bill S-210 — An Act to restrict young persons' online access to sexually explicit material February 01, 2022 The CBA comments on Bill S-210, An Act to restrict young persons' online access to sexually explicit material.
Naming Counsel in SCC Judgments January 17, 2022 After meeting with the Supreme Court of Canada, the CBA canvassed Bar members about counsel credits included in the Court’s judgments.
Campagne électorale fédérale -Lettre addressé au parti du Bloc québécois August 23, 2021 (available in French only) Dans la foulée de l’élection fédérale de 2021, l’ABC cherche à obtenir l’engagement des chefs des partis à transformer les systèmes de justice afin d’assurer un accès égal à la justice au Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter New Democratic Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter to Green Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter to Conservative Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter to Liberal Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Situation in Afghanistan August 23, 2021 The CBA joins with other G7 bar associations to urge G7 countries to ensure the safety of Afghan human rights defenders and in particular of Afghan women judges and lawyers.
Criminal Case Review Commission August 05, 2021 The CBA comments on the creation of an independent Criminal Case Review Commission, making recommendations on its structure, mandate, decision making and remedies.
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act July 16, 2021 The CBA expresses concerns about Canada Border Services Agency’s proposal to make facts established through criminal prosecution of certain organized crime-related offences binding on immigration decision makers.