Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System - Draft Prospectus and Related Registration Exemptions 21 août 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA says an harmonized approach to the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System's prospectus and related registration exemptions will ensure consistency across jurisdictions
Immunity and Leniency Programs 20 juillet 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA comments on proposed changes to the Competition Bureau's Immunity and Leniency Programs.
Market Studies Information Bulletin 29 juin 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA expresses concern with broad-based market studies, including the Competition Bureau’s authority to conduct them, their value, strain on resources and burdens on private parties.
Propositions fiscales pour les sociétés privées — protéger les placements passifs existants 25 mai 2018 La Coalition pour l'équité fiscale envers les PME recommande toujours des mesures pour alléger le fardeau qu'aura la nouvelle réglementation touchant le revenu passif des entreprises.
Abuse of Dominance Enforcement Guidelines 15 mai 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA notes the Competition Bureau's draft Abuse of Dominance Enforcement Guidelines sometimes take an inconsistent or expansive view of the jurisprudence, and suggests clarifications.
Reviewing Canada's Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Regime 11 mai 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA responds to a Finance Canada consultation on Canada's anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regime.
Practical Guide to Efficiencies Analysis in Merger Reviews 03 mai 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA cautions that parts of the Competition Bureau's Draft Guide to Efficiencies Analysis in Merger Reviews takes positions not supported by jurisprudence and gives perspectives on complex issues that have not been adjudicated.
Revised Consent Guidelines (PIPEDA) 26 avril 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA comments on the Privacy Commissioner’s revised draft guidelines for obtaining meaningful consent and recommends some clarification.
Projet de loi C-69 – Loi sur l’évaluation d’impact 26 avril 2018 L'ABC commente la Loi sur l'évaluation d'impact contenue dans le projet de loi C-69 dans le but de renforcer le nouveau processus d'évaluation environnementale et respecter les droits des peuples autochtones.
Model Rules on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing — Amendments 03 avril 2018 (Disponible uniquement en anglais) The CBA comments on proposed amendments to the Federation of Law Societies of Canada model rules on anti-money laundering (cash transactions, client identification and verification) and on a proposed new rule (trust accounts).