Young Lawyers
The Young Lawyers Committee provides young lawyers with an opportunity to enhance their understanding of fundamental competition law principles and practices and to network with other competition lawyers at similar stages in their careers.
Upcoming Committee Events
Economics Unpacked: A Brownbag for Canadian Competition Lawyers
Date: December 11, 2024 – Online
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (Eastern)
Details and Registration
Past Events
CBA Competition Law Section’s Young Lawyers Half Day Symposium (May 3, 2024)
Let's Talk Private Access! (January 12, 2024)
The Byte-Sized Barristers: Navigating Competition in the AI Era for NextGen Lawyers (December 13, 2023)
The Future of Marketing & Advertising (June 12, 2023)
CBA Competition Law Section’s Young Lawyers Half Day Symposium (May 26, 2023)
What Competition Law Issues Impact Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises? (March 16, 2023)
Planning for Mergers & JVs 103: Clean Teams (February 15, 2023)
Planning for Mergers & JVs 102: Transaction Agreements (February 1, 2023)
Cartels 101 (January 26, 2023)
Planning for Mergers & JVs 101: Nuts and Bolts (January 18, 2023)
National Security Reviews 101 (December 14, 2022)
Competition Law Young Lawyers Symposium 2022 (June 9, 2022)
Consent Agreements 101 (April 21, 2022)
The Nuts and Bolts of Merger Litigation (April 13, 2022)
How to Prepare an Investment Canada Act Notification – FAQ with the Investment Review Division (March 22, 2022)
Making an Effective Abuse of Dominance Complaint (March 10, 2022) Recording available upon request
Incorporating Technology Into Your Competition Practice (March 1, 2022) Recording available upon request
Vertical Mergers 101 (January 25, 2022) Recording available upon request
Squeeze Play: Margin Squeeze Cases in Canada and Beyond (June 10, 2021)
Young Lawyers Symposium 2021 (June 3, 2021) Recording available upon request
Life After Law Firms (April 7, 2021)
Mergers 102: Nuts and Bolts of the Failing Firm "Defence" (March 19, 2021)
Defanging the "FANGs" - Why the Focus on Big Tech? (January 29, 2021) Recording available upon request
Young Lawyers Committee's Winter Social 2020 (December 17, 2020)
Meet the Competition Bureau Legal Services (December 9, 2020)
Mergers 101: ARC Request Letters and Market Definition (November 23, 2020)
When Competition and Labour Markets Intersect (May 15, 2020) Recording available upon request
Machine Learning and Algorithmic Collusion (May 8, 2020) Recording available upon request
Review of International Cooperation Among Competition Authorities (May 1, 2020) Recording available upon request
What Do I Do? Practical Tips for Young Lawyers (April 24, 2020) Recording available upon request
Not This Again: Pet Peeves and Pitfalls from Both Sides of a Merger Review (February 19, 2020)
Section 11...101 (January 20, 2020) Recording available upon request
Diversity and Inclusion in Canadian Competition Law and Economics: How are we doing and how can we get better? (January 14, 2020)
Search Warrants 101 (December 4, 2019) Recording available upon request
US Antitrust Enforcement: Where We Are and Where We Are Going in 2020 (December 3, 2019) Recording available upon request
What's So Interesting About Minority Interests? The Theory and Practice of Common Ownership Issues in Merger Review (November 20, 2019) Recording available upon request
Career Counselling 101: The Business of Law (November 14, 2019)
CBA Competition Law Section Young Lawyers Conference (April 25, 2019)
See registration page for meeting materials
Misleading Advertising 201 (March 5, 2019) Recording available upon request
Multi-Jurisdictional Matters and the Young Lawyer’s Role (February 27, 2019) Recording available upon request
Investment Canada Act: All About Applications (February 20, 2019) Recording available upon request
Going Back to School (January 24, 2019) Recording available upon request
ARC Requests and Market Definition 101 (December 18, 2018) Recording available upon request
Competition Tribunal Procedure 101 (October 22, 2018) Recording available upon request
Understanding Undertakings: Tactics and Trends (June 26, 2018)
How a Domestic or International Secondment Can Change your Career (April 26, 2018) Recording available upon request
Misleading Advertising 101 (March 22, 2018) Recording available upon request
FAQ with the Investment Review Division (February 16, 2018) Recording available upon request
Mergers 401: Consent Agreements (January 11, 2018) Recording
The View from the MNU (December 11, 2017) Recording
Net Neutrality Divergence: American & Canadian Perspectives (June 24, 2017)
Canadian Competition Law Through the Ages (June 19, 2017) Recording
CBA National Competition Law Section’s Young Lawyers Half Day Symposium (April 28, 2017)
If it’s Broke, Ain’t it Worth Fixing? (March 24, 2017)
Revolving Doors and Sliding Doors: How a Domestic or International Secondment can Change your Career (February 15, 2017) Recording
Cartels 201 - The Nuts and Bolts of Criminal Conspiracies, Immunity and Leniency (November 30, 2016) Recording
Mergers 301: Managing Your First SIR (November 22, 2016) Recording
Cartels 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Criminal Conspiracies, Immunity and Leniency (December 8, 2015)
NAICS Try: Frequent Issues Arising from the New ICA Forms (November 16, 2015)
Member Input
Ideas for program topics and other feedback to assist the committee in meeting members’ needs can be forwarded to the Committee Chair, Warren Ferguson.
Become a Committee Member
This committee is open to all CBA members who practice competition law and are in their first seven years of practice. Membership is through participation in the Young Lawyers Committee listserv which interested Section members can join online.
Committee Executive
Warren Ferguson