CCLR Volume 35, No. 1

  • September 14, 2022


Proposals for Amending the Competition Act by Thomas W Ross (p. 1)

Blurred Lines: How the Dow v Nova and Royal J&M Distributing Cases May Confuse Remedies Under the Competition Act by James Musgrove and Janine MacNeil, with assistance from Madeline Klimek (p. 46)

Greenwashing: What Is It and Why It Matters by Antonio Di Domenico, Huy Do and Robin Spillette (p.83)

The Retail Gasoline Price-Fixing Cartel in Quebec by Marcel Boyer (p. 134)

A Note on the Unique Implications of Consumer Price Sensitivity for Merger Assessment in Canada by Ian Cass and Dimitri Dimitropoulos (p. 164)