Coffee in the Times of COVID

Coffee in the Times of COVID is a weekly virtual gathering of small groups of young lawyers and/or law students around a topic of common interest.
These virtual gatherings provide a space for social connection among the legal profession and provide a forum whereby young lawyers and law students can discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on their personal and professional lives, as well as the areas of law that matter most to them.
Want regular email updates about upcoming sessions? Join the CBA Young Lawyers listserv!
Interested in being a facilitator or have questions or suggestions? We’d love to hear from you!
Upcoming Sessions
Ground Rules:
- Each virtual gathering has a designated facilitator who proposes the topic, sets the stage for the meeting, and guides the discussion.
- The session will be held in the preferred language of the facilitator, and reflected in the description accordingly.
- Interested individuals must register in order to participate, and registration is first come, first served.
- Registration will be capped in order to maintain the intimacy of the conversation and encourage meaningful connection.
- Gatherings should be limited to a maximum duration of one hour.
- Any member of the Canadian Bar Association may propose a topic for a virtual gathering, so long as it falls under one of the three streams identified below.
- Participants are highly encouraged to have their coffee ready!
Topic Streams:
​1. The Lost Jobs Series
The COVID-19 pandemic has had serious impacts both on our healthcare system and our economy. As a result, many Canadians have lost jobs or been laid off temporarily as their employers weather the financial storm. The legal profession has not been immune to these challenges, and as a result, many young lawyers and law students have lost jobs or upcoming opportunities. In this series, sessions will explore the impacts of COVID-19 on summer positions, articling, and associate jobs, and participants will be encouraged to share their experiences, resources, and tips with other young lawyers and law students from across Canada.
2. The Well-Being Series
While physical distancing will keep Canadians safe from COVID-19, it has really turned everyone’s lives upside down. Whether you are stressed about your upcoming graduation being canceled or cannot seem to figure out how to remain productive while working from home, the struggle is real. In this series, we will explore topics relating to promoting well-being during these strange times, while trying to come up with collective ideas on how to keep calm and carry on.
3. The Substantive Law & COVID-19 Series
COVID-19 is changing everything, including the practice of law. Whether you are trying to figure out how to navigate the new rules of Court, wondering how your right to privacy may be circumvented by state of emergency legislation, or what your employment obligations are in the context of a pandemic, you are not alone. In this series, Section Chairs from across the Canadian Bar Association will be invited to facilitate conversations on how their area of law has been impacted by COVID-19, and what the future looks like for our profession.
4. The Cohort Stream (new!)
To maximize the networking and community-building potential of this program, we have created a cohort version of Coffee in the Times of COVID. Cohorts will engage a group of up to 20 young lawyers and law students in regular bi-weekly sessions facilitated by a team of lawyers from partner Sections of the Canadian Bar Association.
Upcoming Sessions