Unconscious Bias Resources July 16, 2020 Share Facebook Twitter Linked In Google+ E-Mail CBA Webinar Best Practices for Uncovering Unconscious Biases and Leading Inclusively, 29 July 2020 with Karima Kara - Purchase Recording! Tools and materials: Harvard Implicit Bias Test American Bar Association Implicit Bias Toolkit American Bar Association Diversity Toolkits Difference Blindness vs. Bias Awareness: Why Law Firms with the Best of Intentions Have Failed to Create Diverse Partnerships (2015, Fordham Law Review) We All Do It: Unconscious Behavior, Bias, and Diversity (2015, Law Library Journal) Making a Difference for Men (and Women) of Color Practice Tips for Working with Transgender Clients Status of Women Canada Unconscious Bias Resources Ted Talks: 10 minutes talk describing unconscious bias 15 minutes talk on workplace diversity that uses humor to convey the importance of successful diversity measures Law Societies: The Law Society of Ontario - free online videos including a workshop on unconscious bias (this program was developed by the WLAO and the Law Society) Law Society of England and Wales – Women in Leadership in Law report: The need for gender equality in the legal profession Articles: Black on Bay Street: Hadiya Roderique had it all. But still could not fit in A personal reflection on the statement of principles resistance How unconscious bias holds back racialized lawyers Diversity by the Numbers: The Legal Profession Illumination of Implicit Bias - Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia 3-hour course Unconscious Bias: How It Affects Us More Than We Know - Dr. Pragya Agarwal