#CBA Pride

Rainbow flagEvery year, Pride celebrations occur across Canada on different dates in various cities and jurisdictions. To celebrate the LGBTQ2SI community throughout the entire Pride season, the CBA and the CBA Sexual and Gender Diversity Alliance Section (SAGDA) hope to engage the legal community by providing resources that facilitate members supporting Pride on the dates most relevant in each region.

This initiative draws inspiration from the Ontario Bar Association’s Rainbow Tabs initiative – a printable, wearable sign of Pride.

Ways to Celebrate and Show your Support:

Snap a Picture with One of our Digital Tab Necktie Filters

Printable Rainbow Tabs

Head on over to the OBA Pride page to download a set of their printable rainbow tabs. These are worn as a symbol of lawyers’ and the Courts’ openness toward the LGBTQ2SI community.

Share on Social Media

Use the filters and tabs above to post your own photos on your social media pages. When posting, make sure to:

  • Tag the CBA:
    • Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn: @CanadianBarAssociation
    • Twitter: @CBA_news
    • Use the hashtags #Pride, #Rainbowtabs, #SOGIC
  • Don’t forget to also tag your local Branch and use any Branch Pride hashtags

Follow the hashtags on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and share, retweet, repeat!

If you have any suggestions or would like to discuss the campaign with us in more detail, please do not hesitate to reach out.

CBA Branch Events & Resources