CBA and ABA International Law Collaborations and more!

  • April 05, 2018

Dear members,

Your national Section has been busy! Here’s just some of what we’ve been up to:


International Law Section Executive

On February 2, 2018, during the American Bar Association Vancouver Midyear Meeting, the Chair, Noemi Gal-Or provided the ABA International Law Section with an overview of our Section activities. Further, she and three other CBA Section executive members had a productive meeting with several ABA International Law Section executive members, including Steven Richman, the Section Chair, Lisa Ryan, the Section Vice-Chair and Robert Lutz, the Chair of the Standing Committee on International Trade in Legal Services. The meeting identified areas and issues where there could be improved and increased cooperation, including continuing education, advocacy and law reform.


On February 28, 2018, we held the first of The Intersections Series, Trade and Corporate (Social) Responsibility. The session explored how the new generation of “progressive” and “comprehensive” trade agreements has ushered in a move towards greater regulatory cooperation on matters traditionally considered marginal to trade agreements: labour rights, sustainable development, and human rights in general. Listen to the recording

The next webinar in The Intersections Series, CETA, NAFTA and TPP: Navigating Trade Agreements in a Shifting Landscape, will be held on May 8. Register now

Continuing in the series of seminars aimed at exploring the intersection between trade and other relevant topics, we are currently developing a panel discussion to address the impact of trade agreements on Indigenous rights, tentatively scheduled for June 2018. If you are interested in being involved or have a speaker to recommend, please do not hesitate to reach out to Danica Doucette-Preville.

Finally, we are considering a session on Trade and the Environment that looks at the environment and sustainable development chapters of trade agreements and explores the impacts to lawyers practising in both areas. If you are interested in speaking or have suggestions related to this topic, please contact Abigail Dubiniecki.


Volume 12, No. 1 is now available and is open access. The Journal is currently accepting submissions for future issues. Instructions to authors.