Bilingual Constitution of Canada February 16, 2018 Resolution passed at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association
Class Action Judicial Protocols (2018) February 16, 2018 Resolution passed at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association
Protection of LGBTI2S Human Rights February 16, 2018 Resolution passed at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association
National Commissioner for Children and Youth February 16, 2018 Resolution passed at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association
CBA Governance – Bylaw and Regulations August 30, 2017 Resolution passed at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association
Pay Equity in the Legal Profession August 12, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Council.
Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action August 12, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Council.
Clemency for Leonard Peltier August 12, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Council.
Parental Recognition August 12, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Council.
Overuse of Pretrial Detention August 12, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Council.