CBA Associate Membership

  • August 11, 2001

WHEREAS the current wording of the Associate Membership class is ambiguous and includes people who do not hold a recognized law degree;

WHEREAS the National Membership Committee has considered changes to the Associate Membership category contained in the By-Laws;


  1. Article 1(8)(d), (f) and (g), and article 6(3)(a) (v), (vi) and (vii) of CBA By-Law No.1 be repealed; and
  2. existing Associate members residing in Canada who are not eligible to be Regular members be permitted to continue their associate membership so long as they continue to pay the requisite membership fee.

Certified true copy of a resolution carried by the Council of the Canadian Bar Association at the Annual Meeting held in Saskatoon, SK, August 11-12, 2001.

John D.V. Hoyles

Executive Director/Directeur exécutif