III General Meetings
10. General Meetings
The General Meetings of the Association are:
- the Annual Meeting;
- any Special Meeting.
11. Annual Meetings
The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at the time and place specified by the Board of Directors, not more than 15 months following the preceding Annual Meeting and not later than six months after the end of the Association’s preceding fiscal year. The Board of Directors may resolve that an Annual Meeting be held outside Canada.
12. Special Meetings
- The Board of Directors may call a Special Meeting of the Association, to be held at the time and place in Canada specified by them.
- The Board shall call a Special Meeting on written requisition of the Branch Executives of at least one half of the Branches that have in aggregate at least one half of the voting members of the Association.
13. Notice of Meetings
- Notice of a General Meeting shall be given to members no more than 60 days and no fewer than 30 days before the meeting date.
- Notice may be given by one or more of the following methods:
- by mail, courier, electronic or telephonic means, or personal delivery to each member;
- in a publication of the Association that is sent to all members.
- For a Special Meeting, the notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called.
14. Quorum
- One hundred voting members of the Association present shall constitute a quorum for a session of a General Meeting of the Association. No business shall be conducted at a session of a General Meeting unless quorum is present at the commencement of the session.
- If a quorum is present at the beginning of the meeting, decisions made later in meeting are valid even if quorum may not exist at the time of the decision.
15. Conduct of Meetings
A General Meeting may be held in person or by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communications facility that permits all persons participating in the meeting to communicate adequately with each other if the Association makes that communications facility available. Participation in the meeting constitutes presence at the meeting for the purpose of determining quorum. Members may not vote by proxy.
16. Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order for public meetings govern the proceedings unless otherwise provided by the Regulations.
17. Business at the Annual Meeting
At each Annual Meeting of the Association:
- the President shall deliver an address to report on the business of the Association and on other topics the President may select;
- the members shall review and consider reports of the Board of Directors and its committees;
- the members shall review and consider the audited financial statements
- the members shall appoint the auditor of the Association, who shall be a Chartered Professional Accountant;
- the members shall consider and vote on resolutions;
- the members shall conduct any other business that may be properly brought before the meeting.