Jack Innes Award

The Jack Innes award recognizes outstanding contribution to the CBA by a current staff member who has exhibited creativity, innovation, leadership and commitment. These qualities may be exhibited through their work (but not limited to) originality in initiative/program development, demonstrated leadership in talent development, the introduction of an innovative member service or a major operational efficiency in program implementation.

The Jack Innes Achievement Award was established in August 2007 to honour Jack A. Innes, K.C. of Nova Scotia, who served as CBA National Treasurer from 2002 to 2007. Jack took a dedicated interest in the well-being of the Association and particularly those who served as staff.

If you have trouble in submitting your documentation online, please send your information along with the documents to awards@cba.org.

Apply now


  • Nominations may be submitted by any staff member or CBA member
  • Each candidate requires a minimum of one letter of support, to a maximum of three.
  • Each nomination must include the candidate's curriculum vitae and a completed application form.


  • Any Canadian Bar Association full time staff member including those working at the Branches, National and CCCA.
  • The nominee must be employed full-time for the 12 months prior to the award deadline.
  • The CBA CEO shall not be eligible for the Award.
  • No more than one award may be awarded per year.
  • No award need be granted in any one year.


Applications are reviewed by the CBA Award Selection Panel and recommendation made to the Governance and Equality Committee.


The deadline for nominations is February 17, 2025 at 8 pm.


The Award consists of a $1,000 cash prize and an engraved plaque.

Past Winners

  • 2024 - Carolyn Lefebvre (Vancouver, BC)
  • 2023 - Maureen Armitage (Edmonton, AB)
  • 2022 - Judy Yen(Vancouver, BC)
  • 2021 - Elizabeth A. Hall (Toronto, ON)
  • 2020 - Jonathan Clancy (Toronto, ON)
  • 2019 - Tamra Thomson (Ottawa, ON)
  • 2018 - Steve Pengelly (Toronto, ON)
  • 2017 - No award given
  • 2016 - Cathy Cummings (Toronto, ON)
  • 2015 - Heather Walsh (Edmonton, AB)
  • 2014 - Stephanie Elyea (Ottawa, ON)
  • 2013 - Gaylene Schellenberg (Ottawa, ON)
  • 2012 - Caroline Nevin (Vancouver, BC)
  • 2011 - Holly Doerksen (Ottawa, ON)
  • 2010 - Simon Gingras (Ottawa, ON)
  • 2009 - Fran Hodgkins (Vancouver, BC)
  • 2008 - Terry Evenson (Calgary, AB)