CBA-B.C. Fee Decrease

  • August 16, 2003

WHEREAS at the 1999 Annual Meeting in Edmonton, CBA Council resolved that changes in the CBA membership fee structure must be approved by Council on the recommendation and advice of the Membership and Finance Committees;

WHEREAS to assist the British Columbia Branch in its efforts to retain universal membership in that province, the Membership and Finance Committees have recommended a $20 reduction in the base membership fee for all British Columbia members for the 2004 and 2005 membership years;


1. Subject to paragraph 2, the membership fee for the senior and intermediate practising membership categories in British Columbia be reduced by $20 for two membership years, starting on January 1, 2004;

2. The reduction referred to in paragraph 1 be conditional upon the Law Society of British Columbia approving a resolution at its General Meeting of September 19, 2003 to continue universal membership in the CBA for all its members in British Columbia; and

3. the Executive Officers appoint a special committee to review the membership fees of the Association in accordance with the principles adopted by Council at the 1999 Annual Meeting in Edmonton, and report to the Board of Directors and Council at the 2004 Annual Meeting.

Certified true copy of a resolution carried by the Council of the Canadian Bar Association at the Annual Meeting held in Montreal, QC August 16-17, 2003.

John D.V. Hoyles

Executive Director/Directeur exécutif