Do you have a favourite podcast? You’re not alone.
Podcasts have been around for two decades but their popularity is surging, likely because there’s something for everyone: a podcast for every interest, as long or as short as you want it. And with the ubiquity of smartphones, everyone has access from wherever they may be – on the bus, or train, while walking to work or driving across the country.
According to estimates, there are currently more than 550,000 podcasts available from Apple alone, with more than 18.5 million episodes to listen to – and that number is climbing every day.
Confronted with such a vast banquet of possibilities, it can be difficult to pinpoint a good podcast, one that is professional, well-written and well-presented, on a topic relevant to your interests. So let us offer you a suggestion: The Every Lawyer, the CBA’s own podcast channel. We’ve been building a solid catalogue of episodes that have been downloaded hundreds of times since the channel was launched in September. The CBA’s French podcast channel is Juriste branchĂ©.
These podcasts, produced by CBA staff and featuring many CBA members, provide expert advice and insights on topics such as wellness, practice tips and legal trends, to help you learn what you need to know to build your practice, no matter your year of call.
So far The Every Lawyer features episodes aimed at young lawyers and law students on topics such as branding and mentorship. A series for small and solo practitioners is based on an innovation tool for that group that became available in November.
As well, CBA President Ray Adlington has taken over the hosting chair for a series called Conversations with the President: Raising the Bar on Inclusion, where he talks with members of equity-seeking groups about their experience with diversity and inclusivity in the legal profession.
They are published bi-weekly on Apple Podcast, Stitcher and everywhere you usually find your podcasts.
Check out The Every Lawyer to hear good stories from interesting guests, and to pick up valuable insights, whatever your area of practice, or whatever your experience. Listen, and tell us what you think about what you’ve heard – or what you’d like to hear next.