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Legal Information Providers

The Justice Education Society (British Columbia) offers legal information materials on a broad variety of topics. “Justice through knowledge.”

The Department of Justice Canada lists public legal information organizations at work across Canada.

Legal Expense Insurance

Canadian Auto Workers’ pre-paid legal services plan provides affordably-priced legal services to eligible CAW members and their spouses and dependents.

The Quebec Bar Association (Barreau du QuĂ©bec) is promoting pre-paid legal insurance plans with a pamphlet.

Prepaid legal insurance is popular in Europe but not in Canada.

Networks is a British Columbia-based web site with video testimonials and other materials making the case for legal aid services. “Real justice means fair access.” is “Building an on-line anti-poverty community.”


Canadian Forum for Civil Justice. Now based at York University, the Forum has received a $1 million grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to study the cost of civil justice.  


A list of innovations that could improve access to justice.