
National Privacy Law Section

  • February 21, 2004

This Section of the National Sections Council of the Canadian Bar Association (the Association) shall be known as "The National Privacy Law Section" (the Section).

Privacy and Access

National Section By-Law Amendments

  • February 21, 2004

Whereas the National Administrative Law Section wishes to increase the Members-at-Large on its Executive Committee;

Administrative Law, Business Law, Privacy and Access

CBA Executive Officers from Territories

  • February 21, 2004

Whereas the CBA has established a conventional practice of selecting the second vice president on a regional rotation of Quebec, the Prairie Provinces, Ontario, the Atlantic Provinces, and British Columbia;

Student Membership

  • February 21, 2004

Whereas a goal of the Canadian Bar Association and its branches is to increase membership among law school students;

Accountability for Access to Justice

  • February 21, 2004

Whereas the CBA has urged the federal government to establish an Access to Justice Transfer, which would separate its contribution for civil legal aid from a block transfer to the provincial and territorial governments that does not require them to use the money for civil legal aid, nor require them to allocate any funding for civil legal aid;

Access to Justice Transfer

  • August 16, 2003

Whereas the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) cautioned the federal government not to include funding for civil legal aid in the global Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), arguing that civil legal aid would lose out when competing for funds with health and education

CBA-B.C. Fee Decrease

  • August 16, 2003

Whereas at the 1999 Annual Meeting in Edmonton, CBA Council resolved that changes in the CBA membership fee structure must be approved by Council on the recommendation and advice of the Membership and Finance Committees

National Environmental Law Section By-Law

  • August 16, 2003

Whereas the National Environmental Law Section Executive has considered a report concerning the name and mandate of the Section and has approved expanding its mandate to include energy and natural resources law

Environmental, Energy and Resources Law