
Public Sector Lawyers' Conference By-laws

  • February 16, 2002

Whereas the Public Sector Lawyers' Conference would like to encourage more of its members to actively participate in the Conference decision-making process

CCCA Representative on Board of Directors and Finance Committee

  • February 16, 2002

Whereas the President of the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association has been a member of the Board of Directors and the Finance Committee since 1999, pursuant to the CBA governance structure adopted by Council at the 1998 Mid-Winter meeting in Victoria

National Elder Law Section

  • February 16, 2002

Whereas there has been a dramatic increase in the population of senior citizens, and a consequent increase in demand for specialized services to meet their legal needs and issues

Elder Law

National Section By-laws

  • February 16, 2002

Whereas National Sections are governed by the Model National Section By-law, or by Section-specific By-laws adopted in accordance with Article 57 of CBA By-law No. 1

Aboriginal Justice Strategy

  • February 16, 2002

Whereas the Canadian Bar Association has advocated the need for alternative Aboriginal justice initiatives and has been an active supporter of the Aboriginal Justice Strategy operated by the federal Department of Justice

Aboriginal Law

Exclusion of Cameras from Family Law Courts

  • February 16, 2002

Whereas at the 1987 Annual Meeting in Ottawa, the Canadian Bar Association adopted a resolution in favour of permitting access of electronic and photographic media to cover proceedings in Canadian appellate courts, and called for a trial program for such access to trial courts

Family Law

National Aboriginal Law Section - Annex 2

  • August 11, 2001

This Section of the National Sections Council of the Canadian Bar Association (the Association) shall be known as "The National Aboriginal Law Section" (the Section).

Aboriginal Law