La réglementation des valeurs mobilières au Canada 2017

  • 16 janvier 2017

Ces programmes sont offerts uniquement en anglais.

Canadian securities rules are constantly being revised and business lawyers need to be familiar with current securities practice and the details of legislation and policy.
Gain a thorough grounding in the most important aspects by registering for this in-depth webinar series which begins on January 24, 2017.

Here’s what we’re going to cover:
1: Overview of Securities Regulation
2: Prospectus, Due Diligence, Civil Liability
3: Stock Exchange Listings, Exempt Financings
4: Continuous Disclosure
5: Contacts with Regulators
6: Take-Over Bids

The course begins with an examination of essential concepts of securities regulation and covers topics directly relevant to securities practice including tactics for dealing with securities regulators. 

Meet the faculty and get more details.