XV Amendments to Bylaws
70. Adoption, Amendment or Rescission
- Bylaws for the proper administration of the affairs of the Association may be adopted, amended or rescinded by resolution at a General Meeting of the Association, by a vote of a majority of the members voting at any session of the meeting.
- A Bylaw, amendment or rescission dealing with membership fees, Branch Sections, Branch finances and budgeting or Branches must be approved under paragraph 70(1) and by the Executive of at least one half of the Branches that have in aggregate at least one half of the voting members of the Association.
- A Regulation, amendment or rescission dealing with membership fees, Branch Sections, Branch finances and budgeting or Branches must be approved by the Board of Directors of the Association and by the Executive of at least one half of the Branches that have in aggregate at least one half of the voting members of the Association.
71. Notice
Notice of any proposed Bylaw, amendment or rescission signed by at least ten members shall be given to the Chief Executive Officer not less than 60 days before a General Meeting. The Chief Executive Officer shall communicate the proposals to the Governance and Equity Committee. The Chief Executive Officer shall give written notice of the proposals to all members of the Association not less than 30 days before a General Meeting. If the proposed Bylaw, amendment or rescission is recommended by the Board of Directors the 60-day notice requirement does not apply. (24-03-A, Feb 2024)
72. Correction
On the adoption of an amendment or rescission to the Bylaws or Regulations, the Governance and Equity Committee may correct punctuation or grammar and change the numbering, where appropriate, if the correction does not change meaning, and may make conforming changes in the Bylaws and Regulations. (24-03-A, Feb 2024)