Dear Section Members,
We are excited to welcome you to another year of membership in Canada’s leading association for immigration practitioners. As Chair, I am writing to inform you of our plans for the coming year and encourage you to get involved with our Section activities. Meet the 2020-2021 Executive!
Who would have thought that 2020 would turn out the way it has so far? We have been navigating uncharted waters for many months and there remains tremendous uncertainty for what the future holds. Notwithstanding this uncertainty, I am unbelievably proud of what our Section has been doing to making a difference in the world during this pandemic. So many of you have devoted countless hours of service to your clients, your communities and our wonderful country.
Our main objectives this year will include the following:
Championing the Role of Immigration Lawyers
- My personal mission this year is to tell your story. To pull the curtain back on the amazing work so many of you are doing behind the scenes. We tend to shun the spotlight and content ourselves with doing good in the background. After all, these quiet acts of service are what makes us so unique. However, there is a great need to shine a light on our profession in a way that helps the general population see why every person deserves the right to be represented by an immigration lawyer. They should never have to settle for less – especially during these difficult times.
Priorities in Law, Policy, and Procedure
- This year, we will continue to advocate for improvements in law, policy and operations as the Canadian immigration system recovers from the effects of COVID-19. This pandemic has hastened the need for modernization within the entire immigration system. Never before have we as a National Section been in a better position to contribute to lasting and positive change.
- Our priorities this year will also include promoting the role of lawyers and protecting the public from unscrupulous immigration consultants.
- We will continue our collaborative meetings and constructive dialogue with political, policy and operations leaders at IRCC, ESDC, CBSA, the Department of Justice, and now PHAC, as well as our meetings with Members of Parliament and their staff in support of our mutual efforts to modernize Canada’s immigration system. Whether these meetings are held in person or through our new virtual world, this year has already gotten off to a great start.
CBA Immigration Law Conference
The Section is hard at work planning for next year’s CBA Immigration Law Conference scheduled in Victoria, BC for June 3-5, 2021. Save the date and stay tuned for more information! At this stage we are hoping for an in-person conference but planning for all contingencies.
Still Working on your CPD Hours for 2020?
Did you miss the CBA Immigration Law Online Presentation in the spring? Purchase the on-demand recordings today! Learn from leading experts at the forefront of immigration practice and policymaking and earn up to 11.25 CPD hours.
Get Involved
The success of the Section comes from the dedication of our volunteers and Section members; we invite you to engage with the Section:
Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or to become more involved. I would be happy to hear from you personally.
Mark Holthe
Chair, CBA Immigration Law Section