Non-consensual medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex children March 31, 2023 The CBA urges the Government of Canada to launch a public consultation on non-consensual, deferrable and medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex children
Centre de traduction et terminologie juridiques March 28, 2023 (Available only in French) L'ABC soutient la prolongation du projet du Centre de traduction et de terminologie juridiques intitulé " Traduction de décisions judiciaires unilingues d'importance dans l'autre langue officielle "
Improving Inclusivity in the Canadian Justice System March 20, 2023 The CBA suggests best practices to ensure that courts correctly pronounce the names of all people appearing before them.
Bill C-35 — Canada Early Learning and Child Care Act March 16, 2023 The CBA recommends improvements to Bill C-35, the Canada Early Learning and Child Care Act.
Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Regulations – Release of Information March 16, 2023 The CBA recommends amendments to the proposed Release of Information for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Regulations
Bill S-245 — Citizenship Act Amendments March 06, 2023 The CBA recommends improvements to Bill S-245, which would amend the Citizenship Act to permit certain persons who lost their Canadian citizenship to regain it.
Bill S 8 — IRPA, IRPR, Citizenship Act and Emergencies Act Amendments: March 01, 2023 The CBA comments on Bill S-8, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act amendments to strengthen the Canadian sanctions regime for inadmissible foreign nationals.
HIV non-disclosure public consultation February 15, 2023 The CBA comments on proposed criminal law reforms on HIV non-disclosure.
Pilot Project on Work Hours for International Students February 14, 2023 The CBA suggests improvements to the pilot project lifting the 20-hour-per-week cap on off-campus work hours for international students.
Hague Conference on Private International Law Parentage and Surrogacy Project February 10, 2023 The CBA comments on the Report of the Hague Experts’ Group on Parentage and International Surrogacy Arrangements and encourages further work by the Hague Conference on Private International Law.