RARE Finds Web Resources June 17, 2013 The business case for diversity Companies with both men and women in senior executive positions do better. McKinsey Quarterly, 2010 There's a quick registration process to access the article Law firm best practices Ontario law firms sign on and commit to identifying and adopting principles and best practices that promote the retention and advancement of women. Justicia Project, Law Society of Upper Canada 2009 Best Practices Diversity Guide, NALP, The Association for Legal Career Professionals List of model policies and reports on alternative work schedules, attrition, compensation, diversity, etc., Stanford Center on the Legal Profession: Women in the Legal Profession 10 best practices with a list of references from the New York City Bar's Committee on Minorities in the Profession, 2006 Guidance on developing gender-aware talent management from the European Union's Women on Top project Guide to Developing a Policy Regarding Workplace Equity in Law Firms, Law Society of Upper Canada, 2003 Practical strategies for becoming a leading law firm from client development coaches Assess yourself Assess the level of diversity in your firm Consider your buried assumptions through Project Implicit Trace your career path with Mass Career Customization Point of entry – the hiring process Examples of questions used in behavioural-style interviews Beyond marks – looking at skills and personal qualities that speak to a candidate’s potential Successful strategies for hiring and retaining LBGT lawyers Interview strategies for job candidates How students and recent graduates can prepare for experienced-based interviews Insurance Journal article on attracting and retaining employees. Instead of relying on a "gut feeling" use behavioural interviewing techniques and pre-employment assessment tools Retaining talent 2010 Change of Status Research, The Strategic Counsel, 2011 Research shows that a firm benefits from retaining and advancing women lawyers. The Business Case for Retaining and Advancing Women Lawyers in Private Practice, Law Society of British Columbia, 2009 Five recommendations to increase the retention of women lawyers. Report of the Retention of Women in Law Task Force, Law Society of British Columbia, 2009 Final Report, Retention of Women in Private Practice Working Group, Law Society of Upper Canada, 2008 Not just a women's issue: Why the retention of women lawyers is important for both women and men, Linda K. Robertson, CBA Conference, 2007 Legal Discrimination? Reasons Behind Low Levels of Female Partnership in Law Firms and How to Correct It, Jeffrey Gower, 2010 Strategies for creating a law firm environment that encourages women lawyers to stay What women should look for in a law firm; How law firms can keep talented women lawyers from leaving Law firms need a retention program to maintain diversity especially in recessionary times Training, promotion, and compensation Strategies for finding out what people most want from their work place from a company providing related services Top ten employee complaints How to prepare for a performance review Annual information about the self-reported training and evaluation practices of Canadian and U.S. law firms, by size, provided by the National Association for Legal Career Professionals Managing a diverse workplace Managing Diversity: Pocket Mentor Series, Harvard Business Press, 2009 Talent management basics from Wikipedia A short overview of talent management concepts Lawyer / Parent Law Society of Upper Canada efforts to help lawyers who are mothers to maintain their legal careers Final Report, Retention of Women in Private Practice Working Group Links to articles on workplace restructuring, talent management, work/life balance, and the retention and promotion of lawyers, with a focus on women, Deborah Epstein Henry, Flex-Time Lawyers 10 valued talents of mothers who are returning to work Re-entering the practice of law Strategies for mothers wanting to return to work Tips for getting a job after some years out of the workforce Return to work resources Questioning, resisting, acquiescing, balancing: New mothers’ career re-entry strategies , from Health Care for Women International Women, law firms and re-entry issues by Deborah Epstein Henry, Flex-Time Lawyers Going Solo – Tips for Women Career paths Short overview of a paper on the nine stages in a lawyer’s career An article about workshops offered by American law firms to help women learn to manage their legal careers Gender barriers in the legal professions: implications for career development of female law students, Journal of Employment Law Counselling, 2003 Career options An article with helpful information about work opportunities outside a traditional law firm practice Ongoing struggles for equality A U.S. study shows women are still being excluded from management positions, 2011 Women and minorities struggle to advance in top law firms, Kimberly Atkins, Rochester Daily Record, 2007 Short synopsis of a report on the participation of minorities in the legal profession in the United States. Miles to Go: Progress of Minorities in the Legal Profession, American Bar Association, 2004 The Underrepresentation of Minorities in the Legal Profession: A Critical Race Theorist's Perspective, Michigan Law Review, 1997 The Legal Profession, Can Minorities Succeed?, Russell L. Jones, Marshall Law Review, 1986 Professional Women: The Continuing Struggle for Acceptance and Equality, Pearl Jacobs and Linda Schain, Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 2009 Trends in the legal profession Demographic trends in the legal profession, by CBA Legal Futures (2013) 34% of new partners in U.S. firms are women , Project for Attorney Retention survey, 2010 Books Managing Diversity: Pocket Mentor Series, Harvard Business Press, 2009 Competency-Based Performance Reviews, How to Perform Employee Evaluations the Fortune 500 Way, Robin Kessler, 2008