The Law Student Essay Contest has been established by the CBA Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section to promote and reward interest in environmental, energy and resources law topics in Canadian law schools.
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The prize is presented annually for the best scholarly paper submitted to the Section on a subject directly related to environmental, energy or resources law in Canada. All full-time university students currently enrolled at a Canadian law school at either an undergraduate or graduate level are eligible to enter. Authors must be registered and attend the law faculty of a Canadian university as of April 25.
Submissions must not infringe the intellectual property rights of others, and must not plagiarize another’s work. Plagiarism is deliberately presenting the ideas, expression of ideas, or work of others as one’s own. Plagiarism includes reproducing or paraphrasing portions of someone else’s published or unpublished material, regardless of the source, and presenting these as one’s own without proper citation or reference to the original source. The CBA reserves the right to assess all submissions for content that potentially infringes on or plagiarizes the work of another, and will disqualify any candidate that submits such content.
The use of generative AI tools to create any content for essay contest submissions is strictly prohibited. The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) reserves the right to review all submissions for compliance with this policy. Any candidate found to have submitted content generated by generative AI will be disqualified from the contest.
Papers must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Papers must not exceed 12,000 words, including footnotes and endnotes.
- Papers must be double spaced using Times New Roman, font size 12. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
- Papers must address an issue in environmental, energy or resources law that is original, significant and relevant to Canada
- Papers must be appropriately referenced; all referencing methods in the legal field will be accepted.
- Papers may be written in English or French.
- Papers must be researched and written by one author. Papers must be the author’s own original, unpublished work. Papers that are submitted for a law school course are eligible.
- The author’s name and identifying information must not appear on the paper itself.
- A brief abstract (max. 150 words) and author biography (max. 150 words) must also be submitted.
- Additional formatting requirements.
April 25
Any entries received after the deadline will not be considered.
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The Gowling WLG-David Estrin Prize
This award has been established in honour of David Estrin, a pioneer of environmental law in Canada. Mr. Estrin’s 30-year career spans the evolution of environmental law in Canada. A founding member of the Canadian Environmental Law Association, he has advised government agencies, corporations and institutions, assisted in policy development and drafting of legislation in Ontario, Alberta and Canada, and appeared before provincial and federal courts. A partner at Gowling WLG, he has written six books, including the definitive text Business Guide to Environmental Law, and taught in management programs and universities (Waterloo, Western, Ottawa, York, Ryerson and Humber College).
The prize is donated by the CBA Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section Law School Essay Contest – Gowling WLG-David Estrin Prize Fund. The Gowling WLG-David Estrin Prize is supported by Gowling WLG as Foundation Sponsor, and by members of the environmental, energy and natural resources law community.
The Gowling WLG-David Estrin Prize, consists of a monetary prize of $1,000, paid registration, airfare and accommodation for the annual Summit. The winning essay will be published on
- 2024 – Keysel Alberto Besa
- 2023 - Rebecca Waxman (Schulich School of Law – Dalhousie University)
- 2022 - Frances Miltimore (University of Victoria)
- 2021 - Cindy Kim (Western Law)
- 2020 - Annie Arko (University of Ottawa - Common Law)
- 2019 - Riley Weyman (Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University)
- 2018 - Tanis Avery (University of Alberta)
- 2017 - Niall Rand (Peter A. Allard School of Law)
- 2016 - Sarah Walsh (Schulich School of Law)
- 2014 - Jacob Marchel (University of Alberta)
- 2013 - Katrina Andres (University of Victoria)
- 2012 - Darren Vallentgood (Schulich School of Law)
- 2011 - Kai Scheffield (University of Toronto)
- 2010 - Sander Duncanson (University of Calgary)
- 2009 - Andrea Bradley, (Osgoode Hall)
- 2008 - Robert Wakulat (University of Toronto)
- 2007 - Noel Semple (University of Toronto)
- 2006 - Jaela Shockey (University of Saskatchewan)