UN Complaint About Sex-Based Discrimination in the Indian Act January 31, 2022 The CBA supports complaint that Indian Act registration provisions discriminate against women in its letter to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
First Nations and the DQ December 10, 2021 The CBA urges Finance Canada to consult with affected First Nations on the Disbursement Quota, to meet its obligations under UNDRIP.
Specific Claims Tribunal November 23, 2021 The CBA offers suggestions to the Specific Claims Tribunal, aimed at making the Tribunal more efficient and flexible.
Canada v. First Nations Child and Family Caring Society October 15, 2021 The CBA urges the federal government to cease litigation and pursue good faith negotiation following dismissal of its judicial review application of CHRT rulings on underfunding of Indigenous child welfare services.
Campagne électorale fédérale -Lettre addressé au parti du Bloc québécois August 23, 2021 (available in French only) Dans la foulée de l’élection fédérale de 2021, l’ABC cherche à obtenir l’engagement des chefs des partis à transformer les systèmes de justice afin d’assurer un accès égal à la justice au Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter New Democratic Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter to Green Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter to Conservative Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Federal election campaign – Letter to Liberal Party Leader August 23, 2021 During the 2021 federal election, the CBA seeks a commitment from the Party Leaders to transform the justice systems to ensure equal access to justice in Canada.
Situation in Afghanistan August 23, 2021 The CBA joins with other G7 bar associations to urge G7 countries to ensure the safety of Afghan human rights defenders and in particular of Afghan women judges and lawyers.