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Improving Canada’s grade on UNCRC compliance reporting

  • January 30, 2018

If the UN were grading Canada’s mandatory reporting efforts under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with a particular focus on its record in following the recommendations found in the Concluding Observations to its previous reports, Canada might struggle to get a pass if the grading were done on a curve, but otherwise it would edge into failure territory.

Legal aid in Canada: Same conclusions, different report

  • November 28, 2017

Federal legal aid funding has not kept pace with costs. There is a patchwork of legal aid assistance levels across the country. Federal money should be earmarked for civil legal aid. Money spent on legal aid saves money elsewhere in the social assistance system. Technological advances should be leveraged to improve access to legal aid services. National data collection should be improved.

Offering asylum is about more than opening borders

  • November 15, 2017

A good host makes sure that there is enough food and drink and other amenities to make those invited to the party feel welcome and comfortable. Canada is in danger of being a bad host to its most recent arrivals.

Repository for unclaimed pension entitlements a good idea

  • October 25, 2017

If you have a sneaking feeling that you forgot to close out a bank account a long time ago, maybe in a province where you used to live, the Bank of Canada’s unclaimed balances registry can help you either set your mind at rest or set you on your way to reclaiming your cash.

End-of-Life Working Group provides input on MAID

  • October 25, 2017

Should mature minors or people whose sole underlying medical condition is mental illness be able to decide to seek medical assistance in dying? Should people with chronic conditions be able to make advance directives so that if they are incapacitated their wishes will nonetheless be carried out?