Anti-Competitive Pricing Practices and the Competition Act: Theory, Law and Practice May 18, 2000 Submission to the Commissioner of Competition
Bill C-24, Criminal Code Amendments (Organized Crime and Law Enforcement) May 08, 2000 Letter to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights
Bill C-31, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act May 05, 2000 Letter to Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Bill C-22, Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act April 19, 2000 Submission to the Finance Committee
Bill C-26, Amendments to the Canada Transportation Act, the Competition Act and other statutes April 12, 2000 Submission to the Canadian Transportation Agency
Bill C-16, Citizenship of Canada Act April 04, 2000 Submission to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
Detention under the Immigration Act March 29, 2000 Letter to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Bill C-23, Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act March 16, 2000 Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights
Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Workbook Issues and Related Questions March 10, 2000 Letter to Health Canada
Proposed amendment to section 15 of the Divorce Act to allow child support orders to bind a payor's estate February 29, 2000 Letter to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada