Standing Committee on Professional Development February 13, 2010 Whereas the Continuing Legal Education Committee was established as a Standing Committee with responsibility for the planning, development and delivery of seminars, conferences and publications on topics of national or international interest to the legal profession
Denunciation of Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda February 13, 2010 Whereas a Member of Parliament in the Republic of Uganda has proposed the AntiHomosexuality Bill, 2009, that would target lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Ugandans, their friends, families and neighbours and anyone else who fails to report them to the authorities, whether they are inside or outside of Uganda
Funding and Security of Pension Benefits February 13, 2010 Whereas pension issues are of national importance, concerning federal and provincial regulators, employers, employees, retirees, unions, public policy organizations and the public
Harmonization of Pension Laws February 13, 2010 Whereas pension issues are of national importance, concerning federal and provincial regulators, employers, employees, retirees, unions, pension plan administrators, pension fund investment managers, public policy organizations and the public
Clemency for Canadian Citizens Facing Death Penalty August 15, 2009 Whereas, at the 2005 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, the Canadian Bar Association resolved to oppose the use of capital punishment as a sanction in the criminal process
National Section By-Law Amendments August 15, 2009 Whereas the National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section (NEERLS) wishes to enhance the benefit of its productive working relationship with the American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources (ABA SEER)
Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility August 15, 2009 Whereas the Ethics and Professional Issues Committee was established as a Standing Committee in 1993 to deal with the ethical and professional issues challenging the legal profession
Conference Representation on Board of Directors August 15, 2009 Whereas over 24,500 CBA members meet the criteria that define the common bond for the seven Conferences not currently represented on the CBA Board of Directors
CBA Membership for Public Sector Lawyers in the Territories August 15, 2009 Whereas lawyers employed in the public sector in the North perform a vital role in ensuring access to justice and conformity with the rule of law, and the CBA has a role to play in this regard
Dispute Resolution Process for Aboriginal Students August 15, 2009 Whereas comprehensive studies, including the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and the Law Commission of Canada’s Restoring Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions, have documented the immediate individual harm and the long term collective harm caused by Canadian government efforts to eradicate aboriginal language and culture by placing aboriginal children in Indian Residential Schools