Reform of Canada Pension Plan February 11, 2011 WHEREAS encouraging retirement savings is an important national issue, of concern to federal, provincial and territorial governments, public policy organizations and the public
Preserving Special Consideration for Aboriginal Persons in the Criminal Justice System August 14, 2010 Whereas the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Gladue held that special consideration must be given to the unique circumstances and challenges facing Aboriginal persons involved with the criminal justice system, and that s. 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code is remedial in nature
National Pensions and Benefits Law Section Bylaw August 14, 2010 This Section of the National Sections Council of the Canadian Bar Association (the Association) shall be known as "The National Pensions and Benefits Law Section" (the Section).
National Section Bylaw Amendments August 14, 2010 Whereas the National Media and Communications Law Section has approved changes to its name and terms of reference to reflect the practice area of Section members
General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Conference: By-law Amendments August 14, 2010 Whereas the term “Conference”, describing the common interest groups in the CBA Bylaws, is often confusing
Omnibus Amendments to CBA Bylaws August 14, 2010 Whereas the methods for efficiently notifying members of meetings have evolved since the CBA bylaws were first adopted
Best Interests of the Child August 14, 2010 Whereas “the best interests of the child” is and must remain the paramount consideration in determining custody and access
Institutional Bilingualism at Supreme Court of Canada August 14, 2010 Whereas English and French are the two official languages of Canada, as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the linguistic communities who use these official languages are equal in status and under the law
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Criminal Justice System August 14, 2010 Whereas a person, whose mother consumed alcohol during a critical development period in her pregnancy, may be born with a permanent organic brain injury which results in a cognitive disorder known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), a the range of neurological and behavioural challenges that may affect an individual
Equality for All Regardless of Gender Identity and Gender Expression August 14, 2010 Whereas transgender Canadians are a minority who suffer discrimination, such as job losses, alienation from their communities, ridicule, harassment, inadequate health care, and also disproportionately fall victim to hate crimes, including homicide