Search Resolutions


Women Lawyers Forum – Bylaw Amendment

  • February 19, 2011

Whereas attendance at the annual meeting of the Women Lawyers Forum is a barrier to participation in the election process for many members of the Women Lawyers Forum executive

SOGIC – Bylaw Amendment

  • February 19, 2011

Whereas the National Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Conference (SOGIC) wishes to foster greater participation on the Executive Committee and facilitate greater representation beyond the existing Branch Conference Chairs in British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec

Equality Committee – Name and Mandate

  • February 19, 2011

Whereas the CBA established the Standing Committee on Equality in adopting the recommendations of the Task Force on Gender Equality, Touchstones for Change: Equality, Diversity and Accountability, and the name of the Committee was later changed to the Standing Committee on Equity

Application of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by Administrative Tribunals

  • February 19, 2011

Whereas the administrative justice system covers important aspects of the lives of Canadians, including immigration, taxation, income support and disability compensation, licensing, professional governance, employment health and safety regulation, labour relations, employment standards, marketing and distribution, land use, intellectual property, the environment and human rights

Constitutional & Human Rights

Student and Scholar Membership Categories

  • February 11, 2011

WHEREAS student membership in the CBA is open to those enrolled in undergraduate studies in law at a recognized Canadian law school, articling students, or Canadian citizens studying at a recognized foreign law faculty