
Women Lawyers Forum

  • February 19, 2005

Whereas one of the objectives of the CBA is to promote equality and diversity in the legal profession

National Section Bylaw Amendments

  • February 19, 2005

Whereas the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section wishes to make the French version of the Section name consistent with the English, to reflect the idea of resolving disputes in ways other than going to court

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Criminal Justice, Family Law and 3 more..., International Law, Military Law, Privacy and Access

Membership Fee Increase

  • February 19, 2005

Whereas, at the 2003 Annual Meeting in Montreal, CBA Council directed the Executive Officers to appoint a special committee to review and make recommendations to Council with respect to fee levels for the CBA

Uniform Securities Transfer Act

  • February 19, 2005

Whereas the Uniform Securities Transfer Act (USTA) has been drafted as a joint project of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada and the Canadian Securities Administrators’ USTA Task Force to modernize Canadian commercial law governing property rights that exist whenever securities are bought, sold or used as collateral

Paralegals - Criminal Code amendment to definition of "Agent"

  • February 19, 2005

Whereas, at the 1995 Annual Meeting in Winnipeg, Council of the Canadian Bar Association called for the Criminal Code to be amended to clarify who may appear as agent in summary conviction matters and for independent paralegals to be regulated by the provinces and territories

Criminal Justice

Public Interest Interventions

  • August 14, 2004

Whereas Canadian Bar Association Council has adopted the Public Interest Intervention Policy, governing Canadian Bar Association interventions on matters of compelling public interest or of special significance to the legal profession

National Section By-Law Amendments

  • August 14, 2004

Whereas the National Health Law and Law Practice Management & Technology Sections wish to increase Members-at-Large on their respective executive committees

Environmental, Energy and Resources Law, Family Law, Health Law and 2 more..., Law Practice Management, Military Law