Exclusion of Cameras from Family Law Courts

  • February 16, 2002

WHEREAS at the 1987 Annual Meeting in Ottawa, the Canadian Bar Association adopted a resolution in favour of permitting access of electronic and photographic media to cover proceedings in Canadian appellate courts, and called for a trial program for such access to trial courts;

WHEREAS the Family Law Section is firmly of the belief that the presence of electronic and photographic media in non-appellate court proceedings involving family law issues is inappropriate given the private nature of the issues raised in such proceedings, including the potential harm to children if cameras were to record testimony and submissions as to their best interests and welfare;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Canadian Bar Association urge all non-appellate courts in Canada to exclude access of electronic and photographic media in court proceedings involving family law issues.

Certified true copy of a resolution carried as amended by the Council of the Canadian Bar Association at the Mid-Winter Meeting held in Moncton, N.B., February 16-17, 2002.

John D.V. Hoyles

Executive Director