Revisions to the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Rules

  • October 23, 2017

The Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada (TATC) has up-dated its Rules. The revisions came into force when they were registered on October 4, 2017. They are largely ‘housekeeping’ amendments, bringing the Rules into line with changes in enabling legislation and related provisions, such as the Federal Court Rules. You can find the revisions here: Civil Aviation Tribunal Rules — Rules Amending Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act, SOR/2017-202. 

Among other revisions, the name of the Rules – which are now made under the authority of the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act, instead of the Aeronautics Act – has been changed from the ‘Civil Aviation Tribunal Rules’ to the ‘Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Rules.’  

In addition, the definition of ‘proceeding’ in the Rules is no longer limited to proceedings taken under the Aeronautics Act. The reference to Rule 351 of the Federal Court Rules, regarding the summoning of witnesses (which has been repealed and replaced), has been updated with a reference to Rule 42 of the Federal Courts Rules. There is also a new reference to ‘decisions’ in addition to ‘determinations’ to reflect that the TATC issues both.